I think we now say "deprecated" but because there are people in your
situation, I don't see actually removing it for a while -- like around the
time that 5.10 is "standard" and 5.8 is rare.


On Jan 24, 2010 9:15 AM, "Marvin Humphrey" <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 08:26:06PM -0800, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>   hard place:  old client invents Makefile.PL from thin air

Probably the fact that we require Perl 5.8.3 or above spares us from some of

> If you want to encourage these users to upgrade their CPAN.pm and/or fix
> their configs, deleting the Makefile.PL may be the best route.

It's more the by-hand installers that have been a PITA, of which there are a
couple types. There are the simpletons who have learned the "perl
make make test make install" incantation once upon a time, get confused and
upset when their routine gets disrupted, and can't be bothered to open a
README and follow simple instructions.  Then there are people who learned to
dislike M::B back when it was more buggy or "didn't support" their favorite
EUMM feature (e.g. PREFIX), and who think it's really important to argue
me about switching to EUMM.

A passthrough Makefile.PL keeps all of them out of my hair.

Since Module::Build has moved to core and become more reliable these
conversations end quicker, but I'd still rather not have the conversations

> If you're not using any M::B-only features and the "traditional"
> Makefile.PL generation works for you, just do that and you won't get
> complaints even in 1999.

Heh.  We've got a 600-line M::B subclass, which makes heavy use of
ExtUtils::CBuilder and ExtUtils::ParseXS.  It works like a charm, and
programming with the tools built by the Module::Build team is fun.

A "traditional" Makefile.PL ain't gonna cut it for us.

OK, I think we'll keep the passthrough Makefile.PL for now, and thank you
for providing and maintaining the option.  Once configure_requires has
sufficient market penetration, we'll zap it.


Marvin Humphrey

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