karim Bendadda wrote:
Thank you for your help!

How can I call the Redirect directive into the module??, In fact in the
module I have a function that make an LDAP connection I want to do something
like that:

request_rec* my_request; //The request with new information


Redirect my_request new_Url



Do_nothing should be "return DECLINED" in the handler. Redirect my_request new_URL should be almost verbatim the code that the Doc (Peter Poeml) included. Let me just snip down through to his example to make it a little more obvious.

In your handler, you would do something like this to implement the latter:

    /* set a "Location:" header and 302 redirect. */

    /* assemble the url by appending the filename to a baseurl */
    uri = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, baseurl, filename, NULL);

    apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Location", uri);


And there is the "how to". Recall, though, that this kind of thing shouldn't be in an input filter, but a handler. (It may, in theory, be workable in a filter, but a filter is supposed to alter input not handle requests, and a handler is supposed to give the response of the 302 or data or decline to handle it.)

Joseph Lewis <http://sharktooth.org/>
"Divide the fire, and you will sooner put it out." - Publius Syrus

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