Hi   Thanks for your reply. I do apologize for not being clear. I will try
to restate what I want to achieve. For the sake of this discussion allow me
to simplify the browser/internet interaction as follows:

User enters URL in browser ->  **browser resolves domain name** ->
connect to server x -> HTTP request....

In the way the browser **resolves** the DNS is where the pac file is used.

This is what I would like to do:

User enters URL in browser -> browser always connects to my proxy server
-> HTTP request -> proxy receives req. -> **proxy uses a .pac to determine
destination server.** -> HTTP request...

Where with "proxy server" I mean apache configured to run as proxy with

There are lot of problems involved with doing this (ie javascript
interpreter), however the first one I have is to have a component that plugs
in mod_proxy and allows me connect to whatever server it wants, instead of
relying on regular DNS lookup.

I hope it makes more sense now, thank you in advance,

Giovanni Donelli

On Jan 22, 2008 2:39 PM, Joe Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Giovanni Donelli wrote:
> > Dear mod developers,    I would like my apache proxy (mod_proxy) to take
> a
> > .pac file for proxy chaining.
> > To my understanding I can only set proxy chaining to a single server.
> This
> > is very unfortunate because pac is used by a lot of people:
> >
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_auto-config
> >
> First, are you meaning how a web browser configures it's own proxy (the
> above link talks about this)?  Or are you talking about using apache to
> create a .pac file (a topic for another list)?  Or are you writing a
> module that will support the DHCP and/or DNS to handle the WPAD look
> ups?  (If using a .pac file, just place the .pac file in a directory and
> configure the web browser.  If using the fully automatic, you have to
> reconfigure DHCP or DNS to handle it.  The web browser itself only
> replies with the .pac or .dat file if specified.)
> > Question number 1:
> > - is there a way, if you know, to configure apache to support "
> > Proxy_auto-config" proxy chaining?
> >
> See the above answer regarding setting up the other services.
> > if there is not... then I am willing to write a mod to do it, which
> leads me
> > to second question:
> >
> > Question number 2:
> > - At what stage (which hook) does the actual selection&connection to the
> > remote server occur? Will it be possible to override it?
> >
> There is no "selection" to the server.  All web connections happen over
> TCP on IPv4 or IPv6 - "selection" would be more of a term for
> broadcasting a packet (UDP) or multicasting - none of which apply to the
> web server.
> All that I've said so far can be summed up succinctly : a connection to
> a web server will not be made until the web browser has been configured,
> or tries to retrieve a configuration file, which only comes from DHCP or
> DNS requests for a wpad host on the network.
> Joe
> --
> Joseph Lewis <http://sharktooth.org/>
> "Divide the fire, and you will sooner put it out." - Publius Syrus

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