Ralf Mattes wrote:
On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 11:12 -0700, Joe Lewis wrote:
Giovanni Donelli wrote:
I am trying to make Apache follow the same rules as the browser
Realize that the browser doesn't get the configurations for each website it visits, it only configures, then runs using the same configuration for every website.

Realize that, since a .pac file is a ECMA-Script program, that
configuration can (and often will) be dynamic. The proxy needs to be
determined for each request.

That means it should be easy to create a simple module that has a single configuration directive that points to the next proxy in the chain, something like

WPADConfiguration http://secondproxyserver.example.com/my-proxy-file.pac

And then just configure mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http, and create a handler that prefaces all URL's with the proxy: string, set the proxyreq setting in the request_rec to an appropriate value, and return 1 to allow mod_proxy to handle the rest of it.

No - that's too simple. The module needs to run the JS function for each
request and has to be able to dynamically set the proxy.

Indeed - I had completely forgotten about that. Isn't there a javascript library could be connected into, or should the module be written in perl to use that? I suppose parsing the file manually would work. But I don't like reinventing wheels.

Joseph Lewis <http://sharktooth.org/>
"Divide the fire, and you will sooner put it out." - Publius Syrus

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