Seth Cherney wrote:
OK, I signed onto this list about 4 months ago, and have never seen anything remotely close to my low level of skill posed as a Q on the list. I have been trying to rewrite a mysql login module to include more fields to check / update. Certain parts are quite easy, but, basically I could never finish since I understand nothing of controling memory use etc, and would probably wind up with mem bloat from ...

How about posting the questions? We can try to walk you through things. I had a mod_sam which included about three different tables for authentication (checking a hosts table to see if they were allowed, checking the password, and also any restrictions, all from MySQL), so the resources are available to assist.

(I would do this because the more people that understand a module, the easier it is for them to troubleshoot should they encounter a problem.)

Joseph Lewis <>
"Divide the fire, and you will sooner put it out." - Publius Syrus

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