Thanks everyone for the responses. Im quite pressed for time this week, but 
will look into everything and get back to the list with my Q's. I think my 
problem stems more from the fact that I have never used C than anything else.  
So, till next time ;)

John David Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Seth,

I'm glad to help out with particular questions on either side -- mysql  
or apache.


On Feb 7, 2008, at 6:20 AM, Joe Lewis wrote:

> Seth Cherney wrote:
>> OK, I signed onto this list about 4 months ago, and have never seen  
>> anything remotely close to my low level of skill posed as a Q on  
>> the list. I have been trying to rewrite a mysql login module to  
>> include more fields to check / update.  Certain parts are quite  
>> easy, but, basically I could never finish since I understand  
>> nothing of controling memory use etc, and would probably wind up  
>> with mem bloat from ...
> How about posting the questions?  We can try to walk you through  
> things.  I had a mod_sam which included about three different tables  
> for authentication (checking a hosts table to see if they were  
> allowed, checking the password, and also any restrictions, all from  
> MySQL), so the resources are available to assist.
> (I would do this because the more people that understand a module,  
> the easier it is for them to troubleshoot should they encounter a  
> problem.)
> Joe
> -- 
> Joseph Lewis 
> "Divide the fire, and you will sooner put it out." - Publius Syrus

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