Dave Ingram wrote:

First off, if this isn't the correct place to ask this then I apologise,
but it seemed the most appropriate list. If there's somewhere more
appropriate, please let me know.

I've had a quick look for some information on accessing a database via
APR, and after glancing through the header files, I still have a
question: is it possible to get the column names from the query results?

Yes, with sufficiently up-to-date versions of apr_dbd and mod_dbd.
Hints about how it works can be found in the relevant CHANGES files.

Sorry to be terse, but it would take too long to dig up URLs
from here.

<SQLRepeat "SELECT baz, bar, qux FROM sometable WHERE baz='foo'">
<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /www/root/path/$baz
  ServerName $bar
  ServerAdmin $qux

Interesting idea.  Are you familiar with mod_vhost_dbd, and even
mod_macro, which do somewhat-related things?

Nick Kew

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