
I have a module that runs correctly on some platforms (e.g. Apache 2.2.8 on Mac OS X 10.5) but not on others (e.g. Apache 2.2.9 on OpenSolaris).

The problem revolves around the "handler name check" in a handler:

   if(strcmp(r->handler,my_name)) return DECLINED;

On the problem machine, the name check fails and the handler never runs. In the log from the good platform, I see this:

[Mon Dec 29 20:39:13 2008] [debug] handlers.cc(46): r->handler is "ndb- cluster"

But on the bad platform I see this instead:

[Mon Dec 29 20:46:25 2008] [debug] handlers.cc(46): r->handler is "P \xfa&\b\x0c"

Does anyone have any idea how I might start to unravel this?



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