On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Sam Roberts <vieuxt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps mod_atom shouldn't be the first time I ever try to use apache,
> but I did:
> ------------
> LogLevel debug
> LoadModule atom_module libexec/apache2/mod_atom.so
> AtomPub /blogs /Users/sam/Documents/Blog/Atom "Blog Name" "Author Name"
> <Location /blogs>
> #AtomPub /blogs /Users/sam/Documents/Blog/Atom "Blog Name" "Author Name"
> # How do I map this to mod_atom? The above is illegal "AtomPub not allowed 
> here"
> </Location>
> ------------
> mod_atom created the structure, but somehow I need to tell apache that
> http://localhost/blogs should go to mod_atom instead of the
> DocumentRoot.

The doc implies that no Location container or other directives should
be required, since the prefis is in the AtomPub directive.


Configuration · There isn't much. In your Apache config file, you can
define as many "publications" as you want. Each requires one
directive, for example: ¶

AtomPub /blogs/joe /z0/pubs/blogs/jb "Joe's Blog" "J. Blow"

The first argument is a prefix; any URI beginning with it is
considered to be part of the publication. The second is the filesystem
directory where the data is rooted. The filenames are the same as the
URIs, only with the directory substituted for the prefix. The title
and author are self-explanatory. There are no defaults.

Eric Covener

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