I don't really need keepalive.  Just a really basic http request.  However,
this would be in a non request handler thread, so I'll have no initial
request_rec to create a subrequest from.  It would also be in the parent
process via a monitor hook.  I see the mod_proxy create_worker and
initialize_worker, but the latter call requires a server_rec, which I won't


On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 3:48 AM, Nick Kew <n...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 22 Apr 2010, at 08:25, Sorin Manolache wrote:
> > As Nick says, the common solution are subrequests. However, note that
> > subrequests are not kept alive.
> Backend connections may be kept alive or closed, as detailed in
> the mod_proxy docs!
> If you want to implement keepalive without mod_proxy, that's a lot
> of wheel to reinvent.
> --
> Nick Kew

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