On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 00:16, Joshua Marantz <jmara...@google.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response and the promising idea for a hack.  Looking at
> mod_rewrite.c this does indeed look a lot more surgical, if, perhaps,
> fragile, as mod_rewrite.c doesn't expose that string-constant in any formal
> interface (even as a #define in a .h).  Nevertheless the solution is
> easy-to-implement and easy-to-test, so...thanks!

You're welcome, Joshua. :)

You could try persuading a core committer to add this as a
(semi-)official extension. Nick Kew reads this list, Paul Querna often
idles in #node.js at freenode.net.

> I'm also still wondering if there's a good source of official documentation
> for the detailed semantics of interfaces like ap_hook_translate_name.
>  Neither a Google Search, a  stackoverflow.com search, nor the Apache
> Modules<http://www.amazon.com/Apache-Modules-Book-Application-Development/dp/0132409674/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1293837117&sr=8-1>book
> offer much detail.
> code.google.com fares a little better but just points to 4 existing usages.

This question comes up often. In my experience the online
documentation is almost always outdated, incomplete or outright wrong.
I don't bother looking things up, I go straight to the source.

It's a kind of job security, I suppose. There are only a handful of
people that truly and deeply understand Apache. We can ask any hourly
rate we want!

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