I need to find the best way to prevent mod_rewrite from renaming resources
that are generated by a different module, specifically mod_pagespeed.  This
needs to be done from within mod_pagespeed, rather than asking the site
admin to tweak his rule set.

By reading mod_rewrite.c, I found a mechanism that appears to work.  But it
has its own issues and I'm having trouble finding any relevant doc about the

ap_hook_translate_name(bypass_translators, APR_HOOK_FIRST -1);

bypass_translators returns OK for resources generated by the module,
preventing mod_rewrite from disturbing them.  It returns DECLINED for other

The trouble is that httpd seems to report error messages in the log for the
lack of a filename.  We can set the request->filename to something but that
causes the requests to fail completely on some servers.  We haven't isolated
the difference between servers that can handle the fake filename and ones
that can't yet.

Is there a better way to solve the original problem: preventing mod_rewrite
from corrupting mod_pagespeed's resources?

Or is there better doc on the semantics of the request.filename field in the
context of a resource that is not stored as a file?  Or on

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