
I have an output filter that parses custom tags to retrieve data from an application running on the same device.

Everything was working well until I tried to move some HTML into Server Side Include pages. Snippet below:

<?smu smu extio_sensor_read mappings ?>
<?smu smu extio_read front_ana all led ?>
<?smu smu extio_read rear_ana all led ?>

<!--#include virtual="/include/SSI_SensorStatus.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/include/SSI_SensorStatusAnalogRear.html" -->

The first three commands will populate hash tables that are saved in my output filters context. The HTML in the included pages then use custom tags to query the hash tables but for some reason the hash tables are NULL.

Having stepped through with the debugger I can see that the pointer to the output filter when processing the main HTML page is different to the one when parsing custom tags in SSI pages. Looking through mod_include I can see it creates a sub request for include and sub requests call make_sub_request to create a new filter. Should this new filter also inherit the output filters context? Am I doing something wrong with my use of mod_include? I've tried moving my filter so it's after mod_include but still the same problem.

I'm using Server version: Apache/2.2.19 (Unix) on an  ARM board.

Best Regards,

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