On 17 Sep 2011, at 20:45, Christopher Dyck wrote:

> Hi,
> I tried to convert mod_auth_mysql to mod_authnz_mysql.
> Don't expect too much, it's my first contact with Apache modules.

Just to check ...

Are you aware of the DBD framework?  In 2.2 (and up) the standard
way to use MySQL-based authnz is with mod_auth[nz]_dbd and the
MySQL backend.

Also, I don't see a license in your module.  You are aware that
MySQL is GPL licensed.  You should at least check their terms
before distributing your module under any license other than GPL.

Sorry if you already knew all that: there's always room for more
ways to do a job.  But it wasn't clear from your post!

Nick Kew

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