Am 17.09.2011 22:41, schrieb Nick Kew:
> On 17 Sep 2011, at 20:45, Christopher Dyck wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried to convert mod_auth_mysql to mod_authnz_mysql.
>> Don't expect too much, it's my first contact with Apache modules.
> Just to check ...
> Are you aware of the DBD framework?  In 2.2 (and up) the standard
> way to use MySQL-based authnz is with mod_auth[nz]_dbd and the
> MySQL backend.

Yes I know the auth[nz]_dbd module but on the one hand I wanted to see
how difficult it is and on the other hand I got used to mod_auth_mysql.
Also DBD limits to one database per server/vhost, auth_mysql doesn't.

> Also, I don't see a license in your module.  You are aware that
> MySQL is GPL licensed.  You should at least check their terms
> before distributing your module under any license other than GPL.

You're right, I forgot to commit the .copyright file from the Debian
package. The used Apache 1.1 license is also accepted according to the
FOSS Exception at the MySQL website.

> Sorry if you already knew all that: there's always room for more
> ways to do a job.  But it wasn't clear from your post!

Christopher Dyck

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