On 17 Jun 2013, at 10:24, Christoph Gröver wrote:

> Hello list,
> I thought I'd let you know, what I found out so far.
> Perhaps someone will have an idea what is going on.
> In the access checking phase started by this line
> ap_hook_access_checker(SumpfAuthChecker, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST);
> I return with a "return(HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY)".
> I have set up the new location to go to by setting
> the apropriate headers with
> apr_table_set( r->headers_out, "Location", newlocation );

You'd want the err_headers_out to set that for an error return.

> Instead of sending back to the client a 302 or a 301 the next thing
> that happens the apache sends back a 401.

Have you traced and/or stepped through execution of your own code?

Could it be that your errordocument itself authenticates the client?

> I tried to find out with "LogLevel debug".
> But this actually leads to nearly no extra lines in the log files.

My usual tool in that situation is gdb.

Nick Kew

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