
I have a C++ Apache (v2.2.26) module that I created for Windows 7. I am now
supporting this Apache module for Mac OS X Mavericks, and I'm quite new to
Mac. This Mac version comes with a pre-installed Apache 2.2.26.

In the Apache module code, I have references to the "apr_" calls (like
apr_brigade_create, apr_bucket_eos_create etc) and "ap_" calls (like
ap_add_output_filter_handle, ap_hook_insert_filter etc).

I created a Xcode project, added all the C++ source files and provided
linker flags for libapr and libaprutil. But when I build my Xcode project
I'm getting the below linker errors -

Apple Mach-O Linker (ld) Error
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:\
  "_ap_add_output_filter_handle", referenced from:\
      InsertFilter(request_rec*) in ApacheFilter.o\
  "_ap_hook_handler", referenced from:\
      RegisterHooks(apr_pool_t*) in ApacheFilter.o\
  "_ap_hook_insert_filter", referenced from:\
      RegisterHooks(apr_pool_t*) in ApacheFilter.o\

The linker is able to find the definitions of all the "apr_" calls. But the
linker is unable to link to "ap_" calls. The "ap_" calls are defined in
mod_filter. I'm not sure how to link to mod_filter.so from my Xcode

Any help will be highly appreciated.


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