
I have a custom vhost module using ap_hook_translate_name and sql lookup. This 
is enabled through a single VirtualHost section in config.

Now I need to add ssl certificates with SNI on selected sites / domains. What's 
the best way to go about this?

I looked a little on the mod_ssl source code, and it seems it does a lot of 
preprocessing on config stage, and relies on a combination of VirtualHost and 
ServerName / Alias directives.
I suppose this means that mod_ssl wouldn't work with grabbing certificates 
based on a path stored in sql on-the-fly.

So, what's the best way to approach this?

Do I hook into config processing In my vhost module and generate "fake" 
virtualhost entries based on database data? The minus here is I can't make 
changes in db without reloading httpd config.

Or, do I edit mod_ssl to check sql in addition to virtualhosts, and read / 
prepare a certificate context on the fly? Maybe cache these for next time the 
same domain is requested?

Or something completely different ? :)

To sum up:

Database Table (Domain varchar, DocumentRoot varchar, CertificatePath varchar, 
KeyPath varchar)

No <VirtualHost> section per domain/site.

Need my mod_custom_vhost or mod_ssl to check this table for certificates and 
add to list processed by mod_ssl during SNI.

Best regards,


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