On Thu, 2017-03-30 at 15:20 +0000, Michael Sløgedal wrote:

> I looked a little on the mod_ssl source code, and it seems it does a lot of 
> preprocessing on config stage, and relies on a combination of VirtualHost and 
> ServerName / Alias directives.
> I suppose this means that mod_ssl wouldn't work with grabbing certificates 
> based on a path stored in sql on-the-fly.

I'm not familiar with the murky recesses of mod_ssl.  But if I've
understood you aright, I think a good startingpoint would be to
see if you can hook something in to connection processing, that'll
in turn run something ahead of mod_ssl getting in to a connection.

Not sure if that actually leads anywhere useful.  Just a thought,
if you haven't already tried it.  Your main problem is that you
have a hack that shoehorns vhosts in where they don't belong.

Nick Kew

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