Please add me to the hordes of CPAN authors.

Name: Derek Lane
Preferred USER-ID: DLANE

I have three modules that make sense on CPAN.
They are all related to, which is designed to parse and 
analyse Machine Readable Cataloging records for libraries.

Some marc records are wrapped in Pervasive's BTrieve format. In order
to robustly parse the serialised form of these records we have
BTRIEVE::SAVE (since these are currently called "save" files after the
option in one of Pervasive's utilities). These records are commonly
called "BTRIEVE" records for historical reasons.

Once unwrapped, the records need to be parsed by a subclass of MARC

And, finally, marc format records are sufficiently complex (multiple
copies of multiple length fields, with fixed-length and tagged
information dependent on an early field) that a tied interface can
save about 1/2 the work required for even medium-scale software
(25Kilo-line c programs).

I have been a contributor to for the last 3 months or
so. is discussed by the folks on perl4lib
( and by the principal authors. I have been one
of the main folk enhancing in that period. has had at least 1800 downloads.  The modules I am
proposing have direct correspondence with existing code I wrote for
Duke University libraries and will replace much of that code soon. The
Duke code has been in production for at least 6 months and
predecessors (in c) for about 10 years.
Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
MARC::Tie      bmpO  Ties a hash to instances of MARC objects     DLANE
MARC::BTRIEVE  bdpO  MARC records wrapped in BTRIEVE SAVE files   DLANE
BTRIEVE::SAVE  bdpO  Read-write access to BTRIEVE SAVE files      DLANE

--Derek Lane
Perkins Library
Duke University.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <preferred>

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