
I am involved in the PIKT project, which is a powerful
cross-UNIX-platform system for administering, controlling and securing
a heterogenous group of UNIX machines (whew!).  You can read more
about it at:


I am about to start writing a Perl module which will facilitate
communication between PIKT and Perl scripts, and give Perl scripts
which include it some extra features native to PIKT's built-in
scripting language.  I have discussed this on PIKT's development
mailing list and people were interested.

This will be my first CPAN contribution, so I need a PAUSE ID.  Here
is the required information:

Name:     Dave Lorand
Homepage: http://www.src.uchicago.edu/~davel/

Second choice:      DORJE

DLSI for the PIKT-Perl module: id??
<=44-character description:    a Perl interface to the PIKT system

I would like to use PIKT:: as the package namespace.  If this is not a
good idea for some reason, plase contact me to discuss a good
categorization - PIKT is a little hard to categorize.

Thanks in advance,

| Dave Lorand, System Administrator | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Social Science Research Computing | 773-702-3792           |
| University of Chicago             | 773-702-2101 (fax)     |
   PGP key: http://www.src.uchicago.edu/users/davel/key.txt

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