Hi, I'd like to register with PAUSE.

my name: Ned Konz

my email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

my homepage:

perl stuff is on http://bike-nomad.com/perl/

my preferred user-ID on CPAN:


a description of what you're planning to contribute 

        Archive::Zip adpO  Interface to ZIP archives NEDKONZ

This provides an object interface to ZIP files. It uses Compress::Zlib
to deal with compressed data, if any.

I have posted a pointer to the comp.lang.perl.modules newsgroup.

Several people have communicated with me about this, and I'm waiting for
more feedback.

Ned Konz

Ned Konz
currently: Stanwood, WA
email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homepage:  http://www.bike-nomad.com

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