As instructed in the PAUSE pages, I am writing to apply for Perl developer registration. The required information follows:

Name: Joseph DiVerdi

Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Home Page:


Contribution: is a MacPerl library which uses a simple object-oriented programming style to provide a set of tools to control the serial ports of the Macintosh and communicate through them. This library defines Mac::Serial objects, entities which contain the values for serial port configuration parameters. Using a Mac::Serial object's methods ports can be opened and closed and data can be sent out of those ports or received through them. In addition, various configuration settings are under program control including data transmission protocols (baud rate, data size, etc.), hardware and software flow control methods, and the size of the buffer allocated to the input driver.

Module List Description: a/bmpO OOP interface to Macintosh serial ports

Prior discussions: I have announced on the MacPerl mailing list, offered it to list members at several different times and development stages, delivered it to several interested parties, received feedback from most of them, and made many improvements based on that feedback. In an email message Matthias Neeracher wrote about "PS: If Mac::Serial does what the name implies, I'm sure it will be in high
demand." I have experienced a modest interest level from the Mac community but unfortunately no one has been busting down my doors.
Joseph A. DiVerdi, Ph.D., M.B.A.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 970.221.3982 (voice)
<> 970.224.3723 (fax)
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