
Here's my first try at a new ptk modules list. 

Basically, I've changed the contact links to point to the whois list
and I've added some missing modules and some links to the CPAN search

No, I haven't added the concentration game as it was was not uploaded
to CPAN ;-)

Please tell me if some of your modules are missing.


Title: The Perl/Tk Module List

The Perl/Tk Module List

Maintained by Dominique Dumont

$Revision: 1.2 $


Playing Your Part
The Perl/Tk Modules
The Perl/Tk Scripts
Where Are The Modules Kept?
Mailing List


The Perl/Tk module list is here for the same reason as the main Perl module list, to change duplication of effort into cooperation and help to save the world! Do your best to design such that your Tk::* module will make good use of the building blocks found on CPAN, putting together new building blocks where appropriate and simply glue them together with the Tk API. Hopefully these modules will also serve as good examples.

Playing Your Part

Tk and Perl are world-wide collaborative efforts, naturally, the Perl/Tk integration project is the same.
You've started on the right foot simply by reading this document, thanks!
Please be sure you've read the main Perl module list, all that is said there is relevant here!

If you have any additions or changes for the list, please send them to the Perl/Tk mailing list or to me.

If you wish to share your module(s) the Perl way, by putting them on CPAN, send a request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get set up with a PAUSE user id and directory.

The Perl/Tk modules

All the information corresponds to the latest updates I have received. We don't record the version number or release dates of the listed Modules. Nor do we record the locations of these Modules. Consult the contact, try the usual perl CPAN sites or ask in comp.lang.perl.tk or on the Perl/Tk mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Please do *not* ask me directly, I simply don't have the time. Sorry.

Each Module listing is very short. The main goal is to simply publish the existence of the modules, or ideas for modules, and enough contact information for you to find out more. Each listing includes some characters which convey (approximate) basic status information.

For example:

Name           DSLI  Description                                   Info
-------------  ----  --------------------------------------------  -----
Cloth          Rdpo  Object interface to Tk::Canvas and items      GBARR

Where the 'DSLI' characters have the following meanings:

  • D - Development Stage (Note: *NO IMPLIED TIMESCALES*):
    • i - Idea, listed to gain consensus or as a placeholder
    • c - under construction but pre-alpha (not yet released)
    • a/b - Alpha/Beta testing
    • R - Released
    • M - Mature (no rigorous definition)
    • S - Standard, supplied with Perl 5
  • S - Support Level:
    • m - Mailing-list
    • d - Developer
    • u - Usenet newsgroup comp.lang.perl.tk
    • n - None known, try comp.lang.perl.tk or comp.lang.perl.misc
  • L - Language Used:
    • p - Perl-only, no compiler needed, should be platform independent
    • c - C and perl, a C compiler will be needed
    • + - C++ and perl, a C++ compiler will be needed
    • o - perl and another language other than C or C++
  • I - Interface Style
    • f - plain Functions, no references used
    • r - some use of unblessed References or ties
    • O - Object oriented using blessed references and/or inheritance
Where letters are missing they can usually be inferred from the others. For example 'i' implies 'id', 'S' implies 'Su'.

The Info column gives a contact reference 'tag'. Lookup this tag in the Contacts
section of this document. If no contact is given always try asking in comp.lang.perl.tk. or on the Perl/Tk mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ideas For Adoption

Modules listed as in the 'i' Development Stage with no contact reference are ideas without an owner. Feel free to 'adopt' these but please let me know so that we can update the list and thus inform anyone else who might be interested. Adoption simply means that you either hope to implement the module one day or would like to cooperate with anyone else who might be interested in implementing it.


Similarly, if an idea that interests you has been adopted by someone please contact them so you can share ideas. Just because an idea has been adopted does NOT imply that it's going to be implemented. Just because a module is listed and being implemented does NOT mean it'll get finished. Waiting silently in the hope that the Module will appear one day is unlikely to be fruitful! Offer to help. Cooperate. Pool your efforts. Go on, try it!

The same applies to modules in all states. Most modules are developed in limited spare time. If you're interested in a module don't just wait for it to happen, offer to help.

Module developers should feel free to announce incomplete work early. If you're not going to be able to spend much time on something then say so. If you invite cooperation maybe someone will implement it for you!

Name           DSLI  Description                                   Info
-------------  ----  --------------------------------------------  -----
TextANSIColor  bdpO  use ANSI color codes in Text widget           TJENNESS
Autoscroll     cdpf  Alternative way to scroll                     SREZIC
Axis           RmpO  Canvas with Axes                              TKML
CheckBox       RdpO  A radio button widget that uses a checkmark   DKWILSON
               RdpO  Alert widget when child is created            DKWILSON
Clock          RdpO  Canvas based Clock widget                     HMBRAND
Cloth          Rdpo  Object interface to Tk::Canvas and items      ACH
Columns        RdpO  Multi column list widget w/ resizable borders DKWILSON
ComboEntry     RdpO  Drop down list + entry widget                 DKWILSON
ContextHelp    cdpO  A context-sensitive help system               SREZIC
Dial           Rmp0  An alternative to the Scale widget            TKML
Date           cdpO  A date/time widget                            SREZIC
Enscript       cdpf  Create postscript from text files using Tk    SREZIC
FcyEntry       adpO  Entry with bg color depending on -state       ACH
FileDialog     Rdpo  A highly configurable file selection widget   BPOWERS
FileEntry      adpO  Primitive clone of Tix FileEntry widget       ACH
FireButton     Rdpo  Keeps invoking callback when pressed          ACH
FlatCheckbox   cdpO  A checkbox suitable for flat reliefs          SREZIC
FontDialog     cdpO  A font dialog widget for perl/Tk              SREZIC
Getopt         adpO  User configuration interface to Getopt::Long  SREZIC
HistEntry      cdpO  An entry widget with history capability       SREZIC
IconCanvas     RdpO  Canvas with movable iconic interface          DKWILSON
LockDisplay    RdpO  Screen saver/lock widget with opt. animation  LUSOL
Login          cdpo  A Login widget (name, passwd, et al)          BPOWERS
Menustrip      RdpO  Another MenuBar                               DKWILSON
More           adpO  A more (or less) like text widget             ACH
Multi          bdpO  Manages several Text or Canvas widgets        DDUMONT
NumEntry       Rdpo  A numerical entry widget with up/down buttons ACH
ObjScanner     bdpO  A scanner to view an object's attribute       DDUMONT
Olwm           Rmp0  Interface to OpenLook properties of toplevels TKML
Pane           Rdpo  A Frame that can be scrolled                  ACH
ProgressBar    Rdpo  Status/progress bar                           ACH
ProgressMeter  cdpo  Simple thermometer-style widget w/callbacks   BPOWERS
SplitFrame     RdpO  A sliding separator for two child widgets     DKWILSON
TabFrame       RdpO  A tabbed frame geometry manager               DKWILSON
TabbedForm     RdpO  Ext. TabFrame, allowing managed subwidgets    DKWILSON
TableEdit      RdpO  Simplified interface to a flat file database  DKWILSON
TiedListbox    RmpO  Gang together Listboxes                       TKML
TFrame         Rdpo  A Frame with a title                          ACH
TIFF           adpO  TIFF loader for Tk::Photo                     SREZIC
Tree           RdpO  Create and manipulate Tree widgets            CTDEAN
TreeGraph      bdpO  Widget to draw a tree in a Canvas             DDUMONT
WaitBox        Rdpo  A Wait dialog, of the "Please Wait" variety   BPOWERS

Modules using Tk:

Name           DSLI  Description                                   Info
-------------  ----  --------------------------------------------  -----
Body           adpO  Base class for persistent data                DDUMONT
Log            bdpO  Logging facility based on Tk                  DDUMONT 
Any            adpO  Base class for an optionnal GUI               DDUMONT 

History        bdpO  VCS (RCS HMS) history viewer based on Canvas  DDUMONT 
File           adpO  VCS (RCS HMS) file manager                    DDUMONT 


Alan Burlison suggested a new category to 'I' - s for script - no external interface (used until script are better supported by PAUSE)

Name           DSLI  Description                                   Info
-------------  ----  --------------------------------------------  -----
explain        Rdps  Oracle query plan & SQL cache viewer          ABURLISON
ptktrl         rdps  pTk shell: TRL support & persistent history   ACH
tkpod          rdps  POD browser with hypertext capabilities       ACH
viewHistory    bdps  RCS or HMS graphic history viewer             DDUMONT 
rcsWork        adps  RCS file manager                              DDUMONT 
hmsWork        adps  HMS file manager                              DDUMONT 

Where Are The Modules Kept?

Modules can be found on CPAN in the

modules/by-module/Tk/ directory or by following the author info link and going in the authors/id directory. For instance for DDUMONT,click twice on "DDUMONT" and you'll get of the distribution files written by DDUMONT.

You can also search the CPAN site.

Otherwise, feel free to ask the contact author or the ptk mailing list how you can go about getting your hands on a copy.

Mailing List

The Tk Perl Mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body "subscribe ptk "
List archive: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/ptk/

Reply via email to