My module has now been uploaded as:
along with the appropriate readme file.  Could you please enter it onto the
modules list?  The DSLI entry should be:

DSLI entry:
::AnchoredWildcards     Rdpf    SQL LIKE terms with '^' and '$' anchors

Mark Leighton Fisher    Thomson Consumer Electronics
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Indianapolis, IN, USA
"Display some adaptability."  -- Doug Shaftoe, _Cryptonomicon_

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fisher Mark 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 2:31 PM
> Subject:      PAUSE Registration
> Name:
> Mark Leighton Fisher
> Email:
> Homepage:
> None, although you can look at 
> as an example of my Web work 
> if you really need to.
> Preferred CPAN user-ID:
> DSLI entry:
> SQL::
> ::AnchoredWildcards   Rdpf    SQL LIKE terms with '^' and '$' anchors
> Description:
> This is what I posted today to comp.lang.perl.modules, 
> although I would also keep a copy of my version of ls(1) from 
> under my PAUSE user-ID.
> ********** posted 2000/03/14 **********
> SQL::AnchoredWildcards would make SQL LIKE terms unanchored 
> by default, like
> the way most Internet search engines work.  For example, if 
> you want to
> search for "zipper" embedded in sentences like:
>         The zipper was invented in...
> with a normal SQL LIKE you must remember to use
>         %zipper%
> as your search term.  Notice that this is different from most Internet
> search engines which let you use just:
>          zipper
> as your search term.  This confuses the Internet-literate but 
> SQL-novice
> user (not to mention the SQL-unknowing user).  I already have 
> this working
> and in place here at TCE in a Web gateway to one of our 
> Oracle databases.
> As I'm not yet a CPAN author (although I've got a version of ls(1) at
>, if people think that 
> SQL::AnchoredWildcards
> would be useful, I would like to become a CPAN author.
> The documentation so far for SQL::AnchoredWildcards is below.
> ==========================================================
> Mark Leighton Fisher          Thomson Consumer Electronics
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]               Indianapolis, IN
> "Display some adaptability."  -- Doug Shaftoe, _Cryptonomicon_
>     SQL::AnchoredWildcards - add anchors ('^', '$') to SQL wildcards
>       use SQL::AnchoredWildcards;
>       $pattern = sql_anchor_wildcards($pattern);
>     SQL::AnchorWildcards enhances the default SQL wildcard
>     processing by adding support for '^' and '$' as in Perl regular
>     expressions. When using sql_anchor_wildcards(), if the pattern
>     does not contain '^' ('$'), the search pattern is unanchored at
>     the beginning (end). Escaping of '^' and '$' is done with '\'.
>     Please also note that '$' is properly escaped for Perl's
>     benefit.
>     Mark Leighton Fisher, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     perl(1).
> ********** end posting **********
> ==========================================================
> Mark Leighton Fisher          Thomson Consumer Electronics
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]               Indianapolis, IN
> "Display some adaptability." -- Doug Shaftoe, _Cryptonomicon_

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