>>>>> On Thu, 25 May 2000 22:45:56 +0100, Graham Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

 > On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 05:35:58PM -0400, Jay Rogers wrote:
>> > From: Elaine -HFB- Ashton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > 
>> > There have been several cases recently where someone wanted to tend to a
>> > seemingly orphaned module but couldn't raise the author. I'm quite certain
>> > that noone is trying to usurp your module or be rude.
>> Yes but it appears like that is what has unintentionally
>> happened.
>> Andreas removed me from the PAUSE record and then has gone on
>> vacation until June 6th, effectively preventing me from uploading
>> a new version as I planned.

 > He did that on the understanding that the requestor had said he had
 > tried to contact you on several occasions.

I apologize. As Graham says, that was the information I based my
decision on. The decision was much less severe than you seem to
believe because Graham and others have admin privileges, they can
change this field in the database (as could have done Mark, too). So
to make a really rude decision, it takes more than one rude person.
That being said, I'll certainly be more cautious again in the future.

>> He did this without trying to contact me first.  To use your
>> words, that was rude.

 > I have changed it back to you.

Thank you, Graham. Thank you, Jay, I'm happy that Graham acted as
quickly as he did while I was sleeping.

Now I really need to pack, Apologies && Regards,

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