Name: Ted Pedersen
Preferred User ID: TPEDERSE

Plannning to Contribute: A Naive Bayesian Classifier. This is a simple yet
surprisingly effective supervised learning algorithm.

The module will estimate the parameters of the Naive Bayesian
model using training data that the user must supply - the  module will
perform n-fold cross validation and report accuracy,
standard deviation, and confusion matrices for the classifications.

This is a cleaned up version of code I have used in previously published
studies that use Naive Bayesian classifiers for natural language processing
problems. (Details buried in papers available at my web page). This module
will be general purpose and useful for any domain where supervised learning
is viable.

I have not consulted other developers on this project as I searched around
and did not find other implementations of Naive Bayesian classifiers (or any
other machine learning algorithms for that matter) so I believe this will be
a useful module.

I think this would fit under an AI:: category pretty well.
It could also go under the Decision:: category.

Name           DSLI     Description                   Info
NaiveBayes     cdpf     Naive Bayesian Classifier     TPEDERSE

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