This message follows up on others regarding namespace registration requests.

My author name is DUNCAND.

I have now uploaded my first distribution to PAUSE, libdwg-1.0, and 
these modules
are in it:

Name                     DSLI   Description
----------------------   ----   --------------------------------------------

Class::ParamParser     - bdpO - complex parameter parsing for subclass methods
HTML::TagMaker         - bdpO - make single,groups of HTML tags, head/footers
HTML::FormMaker        - bdpO - predefined persistant forms, reports, validate
CGI::HashOfArrays      - bdpO - data (text,bin) store/parse/url-encode, subset
CGI::SequentialFile    - bdpO - store prefs,logs from HoAs/hash as 
k=v text file
CGI::EventCountFile    - bdpO - for storing event counts and dates (usage)
CGI::WPM::Content      - bdpO - store/assemble web page parts, search 
and replace

CGI::WPM::Base         - cdpO - defines API for WPM modules, stores local prefs
CGI::WPM::Globals      - cdpO - stores/parses web site globals, 
utils, user input
CGI::WPM::Main         - cdpO - init program, track usage, e-mail to owner
CGI::WPM::Static       - cdpO - wpm for displaying static html pages
CGI::WPM::MailForm     - cdpO - wpm for implementing private e-mail forms
CGI::WPM::GuestBook    - cdpO - wpm for implementing a complete guest book
CGI::WPM::SegTextDoc   - cdpO - wpm displays static single/multipart text pages
CGI::WPM::MultiPage    - cdpO - wpm resolves nav in page hierarchy, makes menus

I'm not sure that the brief descriptions shown here are for the best. 
To make it
easier for yourselves to judge, I have included the full-sentence 
descriptions for
each module below.  Having more space to work in, they sound much 
better.  If you
have ideas for more descriptive "Descriptions":

Class::ParamParser 1.0b -- Perl module that provides complex parameter list
parsing for subclass methods.

HTML::TagMaker 1.0b -- HTML::TagMaker -- Perl module that can create any HTML
tags, as well as groups of or just parts of them, and complete html headers or

HTML::FormMaker 1.0b -- Perl module that maintains a predefined html input form
definition with which it can generate form html, complete with persistant and
error-checked user input, as well as formatted reports of the user 
input in html
or plain text.

CGI::HashOfArrays 1.0b -- Perl module that implements a hash whose 
keys can have
either single or multiple values, and which can process url-encoded data.

CGI::SequentialFile 1.0b -- Perl module that interfaces to a common text file
format which stores records as named and url-escaped key=value pairs.

CGI::EventCountFile 1.0b -- Perl module that interfaces to a tab-delimited text
file for storing date-bounded counts of occurances for multiple events, such as
web page views.

CGI::WPM::Content 1.0b -- Perl module that stores and assembles components of a
new web page, including HTTP headers, and it is returned by all subclasses of

CGI::WPM::Base 0.1b -- Perl module that defines the API for 
subclasses, which are
miniature applications called "web page makers", and provides them with a
hierarchical environment that handles details for obtaining program settings,
resolving file system or web site contexts, obtaining user input, and 
sending new
web pages to the user.

CGI::WPM::Globals 0.1b -- Perl module that is used by all subclasses of
CGI::WPM::Base for managing global program settings, file system and web site
hierarchy contexts, providing environment details, gathering and managing user
input, and providing utilities like sending e-mail.

CGI::WPM::Main 0.1b -- Perl module that implements a simple "main 
program" which
will agnostically run any subclass of CGI::WPM::Base, print out its 
return value,
initialize program globals, track site usage details, and e-mail 
backups of usage
counts to the site owner.

CGI::WPM::Static 0.1b -- Perl module that is a subclass of CGI::WPM::Base and
displays a static HTML page.

CGI::WPM::MailForm 0.1b -- Perl module that is a subclass of CGI::WPM::Base and
implements a private e-mail form.

CGI::WPM::GuestBook 0.1b -- Perl module that is a subclass of 
CGI::WPM::Base and
implements a complete guest book.

CGI::WPM::SegTextDoc 0.1b -- Perl module that is a subclass of 
CGI::WPM::Base and
displays a static text page, which can be in multiple segments.

CGI::WPM::MultiPage 0.1b -- Perl module that is a subclass of 
CGI::WPM::Base and
resolves navigation for one level in the web site page hierarchy from a parent
node to its children, encapsulates and returns its childrens' returned web page
components, and can make a navigation bar to child pages.

Thanks for everything,

// Darren Duncan

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