On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 02:01:13PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I feel dumb for not having found that one in CPAN before writing mine :-).

Oops :-)

> Yes, I think mine could maybe be a replacement, BUT it doesn't do the
> one feature that yours does: namely, reload based on file-changed-time.

Hm hm.

> That's an optimization that's probably missing from mine, but I
> intentionally didn't add that because some modules have load-time side
> effects (such as BEGIN blocks) and so forcing an unconditional reload is
> slightly different from reloading only changed files.


> In light of that, maybe mine should be a different module, maybe called:
> Module::Reload::Force

Or maybe I should rename mine to Module::Autoreload?

> .... but one of the biggest aspects of mine is its ability to do
> nothing during end-user runtime, but kick in selectively at Development
> time -- i.e. it doesn't always force the Reload.  That's why I thought
> Devel:: might be the best place for it.

do_stuff() if $ENV{TESTING};  # pretty trival

> I think naming is very important and I
> do want to come up with the best name.

Oh good.  Me too.

Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
                       (via, but not speaking for Deutsche Bank)

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