May I suggest you contact Tom Zeltwanger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

He has recently taken over the Mail::Alias module which is a framework
for reading/writing various mail alias formats and converting
between them etc.

Maybe your module could become Mail::Alias::mutt


On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 09:30:58AM +1100, Bek Oberin wrote:
> Got a new module which I've been calling MuttAliases but I
> know the name sucks, creates a new top-level thingy which you
> all hate, etc. etc.
> The module parses the alias files of Mutt (a unix text-mode
> mail reader) and enables users to look up a name and email address
> from an alias, or reverse-lookup a name from an email address.
> I hacked it together for a 'from' script I needed and it looked
> potentially useful so I turned it into a module.
> Ideas on a proper name for it greatly appreciated.  I won't upload
> it until the namespace issue is sorted out.=
> Thanks in advance,
> Gossamer
> -- 
> : --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Queer-Disabled-Boychick--
> : If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs,
> : the first woodpecker would have destroyed civilization.
> : -- Weinberg's Law

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