On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 06:02:42PM -0700, Derek Cline wrote:
> I have a new module that I am preparing to include in CPAN called 
> Monkeywrench. I expect to be able include Monkeywrench in the HTTP 
> namespace, but here is a description of it for your review:
> Overview:
> Monkeywrench is a test-harness application to test the integrity of a 
> user's path through a web site.
> Monkeywrench works by letting you create 'test scenarios' which can 
> be run against the site over and over. Test scenarios closely mimic a 
> user going through your site performing specific actions like filling 
> out a registration form, or ordering a product. It can then make sure 
> the next page had the desired results.
> Monkeywrench supports such features as:
> * Basic Authentication
> * Cookies
> * GET and PUT requests
> * Redirects
> * Email reports


    It sounds like a very useful module, but I would suggest that you
think about a more descriptive name.  How about Test::CGI?

* Kurt Starsinic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ---------- Senior Network Engineer *
|    `The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and     |
|     intelligent.  The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb.'      |
|                            -- Marshall McLuhan                            |

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