Dear ModulesMeisters,

I would like to register myself as a Perl devloper for CPAN purposes.
Here are my details as requested in

Name: Mike Taylor
Email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Preferred user-ID on CPAN.: MIRK
What I'm planning to contribute: module Net::Z3950::Services
        (and other Net::Z3950::* modules in the future)
--> Description in module list format (DSLI entry): adcO
--> 44 character description: OO interface to the Yaz Z39.50 toolkit
Public discussion of contribution: there has been none; however, I
have kept exhaustive logs of email exchanges between me and my
collaborators during the design and development process -- let me know
if you'd like to see them (542152 bytes)


        Mike Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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