>>>>> On Wed, 8 Nov 2000 12:50:49 +0000, Mike Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

 > Yes, it's pretty much the same thing; certainly the work I want to
 > contribute to CPAN has been done in collaboration with Heikki's
 > employers Index Data ApS (as you can see from the Cc: to Heiki's
 > colleague Sebastian) -- in fact, the module I want to contribute is
 > advertised on the front page of www.indexdata.dk!


>> If not, it would be a good idea if the united Yaz hackers could come
>> up with namespace suggestions. We, the module list maintainers,
>> would then register these namespaces so that overlap and confusion
>> is avoided and all that.
>> How does that sound?

 > I think that the simplest general approach would be to give the whole
 > of Net::Z3950 to Index Data and me jointly and severally, and we'll
 > figure out between us how best to slice up the area beneath that.
 > That's unless CPAN-meisters wish to keep a tighter rein on the whole
 > of the namespace.

CPAN infrastructure is built upon trust, so sharing namespace between
users is OK. (Heikki, when you want to be registered as CPAN author
too, please drop a line)

 > Does PAUSE make it possible for multiple contributors to put modules
 > into the same area?

Yes, but you need to tell me in advance which users share what. You
have no interactive page on PAUSE that lets you handle that.

 > If not, then probably the easiest way to do this,
 > is just to give me Net::Z3950, and let me handle the uploads for my
 > Index Data collaborators.

I'll do so for now and you inform me please who else should be
regarded as co-owner for which namespace.

 > Is it legitimate CPAN behaviour to have a module distribution called
 > (just) Net::Z3950 and another called Net::Z3950::SimpleServer, or
 > should we applu the rule that if lower nodes are used, then the upper
 > nodes should not be?

Typically you decide what you prefer here. I think, it's natural to
actually use the top level (Net::Z3950), but if you see better fit to
keep it unused, that is your decision. I've now registered Net::Z3950
for you. You need not register all namepaces you use below that, we
trust that there won't be a conflict there.


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