
 I'm user LDACHARY. I'd like to contribute with the Text::Unaccent module.

Text::Unaccent is a module that provides functions to remove accents
from a string.  For instance the string été will become ete.  The
charset of the input string is specified as an argument. The input is
converted to UTF-16 using iconv(3), accents are stripped and the
result is converted back to the original charset. The iconv --list
command on GNU/Linux will show all charset supported.

 It is a recent module and I cannot provide proofs that it is widely used.
I've checked that it has no equivalent at present. It is built on top of
a C library available at http://www.senga.org/unac/html/ but it is self
Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
Text::Unaccent RdCf  Strip accents from a string in any charset   LDACHARY

 Although out of scope with this mail, I suggest adding the following line
to the DSLI definition of modlist, is the Support Level definition:

s - SourceForge.net


Loic   Dachary         http://www.dachary.org/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
24 av Secretan         http://www.senga.org/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
75019    Paris         Tel: 33 1 42 45 09 16        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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