I need a WWW::Search backend for AskJeeves (it's for research- not so I can 
get recipes from Martha Stewart faster).  I freely admit I don't know what 
I'm doing:  I only learned Perl a short time ago, so I will *not* be posting 
it to the general public- not because I don't like to share- just because I'm 
pretty sure it won't be the elegant professional, and ultimately maintainable 
piece of code a regular module would be.  But I was wondering if anyone had 
the time/inclination to help me with it:  I was going to take an existing 
module (like maybe AltaVista since AskJeeves is associated with them) and try 
to alter it to submit queries to AskJeeves and parser the results.

I would love to hear from anyone with suggestions, ideas, helpful comments.

Thank you,
Vanessa Gaudin

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