Module list maintainers

I previously mentioned this module in my request for a CPAN id, but 
thought it would be better form to put it in a separate mail.  
Details are as follows:

Proposed module name: Tie::DxHash
DSLI: Rdpr
Description: "Keeps insertion order; allows duplicate keys"
Discussion: I wrote this module in order to facilitate the use of 
more complex mod_rewrite rules in Apache configuration files written 
with PerlSections.  I originally proposed this to the mod_perl 
mailing list (see  I have 
also posted details of the proposed module on comp.lang.perl.modules 
and have not received any negative feedback.  The module's POD is 
included below.

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=head1 NAME

Tie::DxHash -   implements a hash  which preserves  insertion order   
and allows
duplicate keys.


 use Tie::DxHash;
 tie %vhost, 'Tie::DxHash' [, LIST];
 %vhost = (
   ServerName  => 'foo',
   RewriteCond => 'bar',
   RewriteRule => 'bletch',
   RewriteCond => 'phooey',
   RewriteRule => 'squelch',


This module    was written to   allow   the  use of   rewrite  rules  
in  Apache
configuration files written  with Perl Sections.  However,  a 
potential user has
stated that he  needs it to support the  use of  multiple ScriptAlias 
within a  single Virtual Host (which is  required by FrontPage, 
apparently).  If
you find a completely different use for it, great.

The original purpose of this  module is not quite  so obscure as it 
might sound.
Perl Sections   bring the power   of a general-purpose  programming  
language to
Apache configuration files and,  having  used them  once,  many 
people use  them
throughout.  (I take this approach since, even  in sections of the 
where  I do  not need  the  flexibility, I find  it  easier to use  a 
syntax.  This also makes the code easier for XEmacs to  colour in ;-) 
mod_rewrite is easily the most powerful way to  perform URL rewriting 
and I tend
to use it  exclusively, even when a  simpler directive  would  do the 
 trick, in
order to group my redirections together and keep them consistent.  
So, I came up
against the following problem quite early on.

The synopsis    shows some  syntax  which  might  easily be    needed 
when using
mod_rewrite within a Perl Section.  Clearly, using an  ordinary hash 
will not do
what you  want.  The two  additional features we  need are to 
preserve insertion
order and to allow duplicate keys.  When retrieving an  element from 
the hash by
name, successive  requests for the same name  must iterate through 
the duplicate
entries  (and, presumably, wrap around  when the end   of the chain 
is reached).
This  is where Tie::DxHash  comes in.  Simply  by tying  the 
offending hash, the
corresponding configuration directives work as expected.

Running an Apache syntax  check (with docroot check)  on your 
configuration file
(with C<httpd -t>) and checking virtual host settings (with C<httpd 
-S>) succeed
without complaint.   Incidentally,  I  strongly recommend building   
your Apache
configuration files with make (or equivalent) in  order to enforce 
the above two
checks, preceded by a Perl syntax check (with C<perl -cx>).


For those interested, Tie::IxHash works by storing the  hash data in 
an array of
hash references  (containing  the key/value  pairs).  This  preserves 
order.  A separate set  of iterators (one per  distinct key) keeps 
track of  the
last retrieved value for a given key, thus  allowing the successive 
retrieval of
multiple values for the same key to work as expected.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perltie(1), for information on ties generally.

Tie::IxHash(3), by Gurusamy Sarathy, if you need to preserve 
insertion order but
not allow duplicate keys.

For   information  on  Ralf S.  Engelschall's   powerful  URL  
rewriting module,
mod_rewrite,      check       out     the      reference      
documentation   at
"" and  the URL 
Rewriting Guide
at "".

For help in using Perl Sections to configure Apache,  take a look at 
the section
called           "Apache        Configuration      in            
Perl"        at
", part of
the mod_perl    guide, by Stas Bekman.    Alternatively,  buy the  
O'Reilly book
Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C, by Lincoln  Stein & Doug 
MacEachern, and
study Chapter 8: Customizing the Apache Configuration Process.

=head1 BUGS

The algorithms used to retrieve and delete elements by  key run in 
O(N) time, so
do not expect  this  module to work well   on large data  sets.   
This is not  a
problem for the module's intended  use.  If you find  another use for 
the module
which involves larger quantities of data, let me know and I will put 
some effort
into optimising for speed.

The  mod_rewrite  directives for  which   this module  was   written  
RewriteCond and RewriteRule) can  occur in all  four configuration 
file contexts
(i.e. server config,  virtual host, directory, .htaccess).  However, 
only helps when  you are using  a directive which  is mapped  onto a  
Perl hash.
This limits you to  directives which are block  sections with begin 
and end tags
(like  <VirtualHost>  and  <Directory>).   I  get  round  this  by   
sticking my
mod_rewrite directives in  a name-based virtual host container  (as 
shown in the
synopsis) even in the degenerate case where the  web server only has 
one virtual

=head1 AUTHOR

Kevin Ruscoe


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