
I'm re-sending this as I thought it may have been overlooked the first time
I sent it, on March 1, 2001. This is a registration request for my module


My CPAN ID is BTROTT. I'd like to contribute the following module to CPAN:

Name         DSLI   Description                          Info
IO::Buffer   bdp0   Read/write string buffering class.   BTROTT

IO::Buffer is used within Net::SSH::Perl to manage string buffers in packets
sent between client and server. It has general purpose applicability, so I
thought it might be useful to others.

Below you'll find some of the POD.

Benjamin Trott

=head1 NAME

IO::Buffer - Read/write buffer class


    use IO::Buffer;
    my $buffer = IO::Buffer->new;

    ## Add a 32-bit integer.

    ## Get it back.
    my $int = $buffer->get_int32;


I<IO::Buffer> implements a low-level binary buffer in which
you can get and put integers, strings, and other data.
Internally the implementation is based on C<pack> and C<unpack>,
such that I<IO::Buffer> is really a layer on top of those
built-in functions.

All of the I<get_*> and I<put_*> methods respect the
internal offset state in the buffer object. This means
that, for example, if you call I<get_int16> twice in a
row, you can be ensured that you'll get the next two
16-bit integers in the buffer. You don't need to worry
about the number of bytes a certain piece of data takes
up, for example.

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