I sent a message similar to this yesterday for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I think my
mail was down for a little while, and I think I would like to just use
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as my address.

My name: Earl Cahill
My email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My homepage: http://earl.spack.net/cpan/CacheDir.html
My preferred user-ID on CPAN: EARL
A short description of what I'm planning to contribute:
  A cool little package called File::CacheDir, which manages caching files
and cleanup without looking through a directory full of files and without
a cron.  The user passes a filename, a base path and a time to live and
based upon the time to live, a filename with full path is returned.  When
time to lives expire, directories are automatically cleaned up.
  Can also be used for automatically backing up files, or doing whatever
you like when ttl expires (updating a database for example), because the
package accepts passed code refs for each step of the process.  Works nice
for hashes containing session information, or things that are expensive
to generate but can around for awhile.

  It isn't all that complicated, but it is really cool and has a ton of
uses.  I would just like to share it with the world.  I also plan on using
it for a few other projects on plan on open sourcing.

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