Hi, I would like to become a registered user, my info
is as follows...
Name: Anthony Ball
Homepage: http://www.suave.net
Userid... since I can't use ant, I guess I will go with
my perlmonks username, suaveant
What I plan to contribute:
   For now, I have a module nearing a good alpha stage
that I am tentatively calling GNu Internet File Transfer,
or Gnift. It is a common api to transfer files over 
different types of transport. Currently it works with
FTP and partially works with SSH. It is built to mimic
Graham Barr's Net::FTP API, so that current users of
that module can switch to Gnift and use ssh or ftp 
(and others, eventually) transparently. The FTP portion
actually maps most of its commands directly to Net::FTP.
SSH use Net::SSH::Perl.

                        Thank you - Ant

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(___/(______)(__)(__)\/  (____)()(_)\_)(____) (__) 
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem. 

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