On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 10:08:42AM -0400, Kirrily Robert wrote:
> James wrote:
> >File-Seektar.gz of proposed first contribution attached - full details in pod.
> >In short a series of widgets that implement fast searches and extractions of
> >data from sorted flat files implementing the halve the difference search
> >algorithm. Several orders of magnitude faster than while (<FH>) { next unless
> >/$some-cond/; #blah } type searches as algorithm is geometric rather than
> >linear. Somewhat similar in utility to File::Readbackwards in being ideal for
> >logfile data extraction amongst other things but can extract data between any
> >date range in very short order.
> Why "Seektar"?  To me it sounds like a thing that finds tar archives.

I suspect a missing dot...   File-Seek.tar.gz

In which case the 'Seek' part is a little too generic. Perhaps OrderedSeek,
since ordering is essential to the plot.


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