I would like to register as a developer on CPAN. I have several modules to contribute. The info I think you need:

Name: Rob Giseburt
Homepage: none
Preferred ID: GISEBURT
What I'm Planning to Contribute:

I have two modules that, when combined, provide a web-development package. One is Robz::ObjectFactory, and the other is Robz::Template2.

Robz::ObjectFactory is a data abstraction package. It provides a simple interface to data of any kind.

Robz::Template2 is a templating module that uses a token structure that is compatible with most GUI HTML editors, as well as providing a simple interface.

Robz::ObjectFactory provides data in complex data structures that can be passed to Robz::Template2 with little to no modification. Robz::Template2 is currently being rewritten in C++.

Both modules will later be combined into a single download with a common interface. The Robz:: namespace may change, but I have been unable to find a proper one that already exists on CPAN.

I appreciate your time.

~Rob Giseburt

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