(Sorry for my previous post, I had missed this thread)

>>>>> On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 22:52:26 -0700 (PDT), Patrick Devine 

  > On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
 >> Hi.
 >> Are you certain the name of the SysConfig module is all proper and
 >> well?  I'm afraid SysConfig is much too generic, it tells almost nothing.
 >> Also, the module seems to be heavily specific to RedHat Linux, and as
 >> such, it should have *something* to that effect in its name, too.
 >> Linux::Config (if it is to be about more than RedHat), or RedHat::Config
 >> (you might want to let Randy J. Ray to know, [EMAIL PROTECTED], he is
 >> a very Perl-friendly RedHat representative)

  > Hi Jarkko,

  > All good points, however the main purpose behind the module is _not_ to
  > build a Kickstart file, nor is it specifically to write a configuration
  > file for Linux (although I can understand how one would be lead to that
  > conclusion).  I had toyed around with Linux:: or possibly even RedHat::,
  > but it doesn't really do the module justice and I think ends up being
  > equally confusing.

  > What it really comes down to, is that there is no really good way right
  > now to describe the important bits of an operating system.  Windows kind
  > of comes close with the concept of their registry, but it falls down flat
  > on its face for doing anything very useful.

  > The module itself wasn't meant to be specific to Linux.  You should be
  > able to describe any bits of an operating system fairly easily by using
  > it, and it was my hope that people would come up with different class
  > libraries in the future for different OS's (and even different 
  > installation methods).

  > It just so happens that RedHat's Kickstart file is fairly trivial to
  > describe, and plugs into the idea of a registry very easily.  The same
  > goes for the XML class that I included as well.

  > I had toyed around with SystemConfiguration:: but then decided to
  > abbreviate it because the package names were getting ludicrously long.

  > As it is, I just wanted to get something out there (particularly since
  > someone might be able to use the Kickstart and XML classes), but there is
  > a lot of functionality still missing, such as being able to probe an
  > operating system to actually build the registry and do anything useful.

  > Any suggestions for naming schemes would be appreciated though, I'm not
  > tied to the name right now as it is.

<overdraw type="evil"> Are you saying, the real code doesn't come
close to the intent?</overdraw>

If so, I'd still say, Linux:: or RedHat:: are appropriate. When the
module grows and reaches the realm you are describing, there's still
time to give it a better name. I'm not fond of SysConfig root
namespace, such a module family deserves a real family name.


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