The Perl::* category seems reasonable. Perhaps Perl::WhichPhase


On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 06:03:40AM -0600, James G Smith wrote:
> I have a module that needs a name.  I've looked through the Camel,
> browsed through CPAN, and nothing seems to be suggesting itself as
> obvious.
> Thanks for any help y'all can provide.
> The (current) module documentation:
>      Which::Phase
>       use Which::Phase qw- block :in -;
>       if(block eq 'BEGIN') {
>         print "We are in a BEGIN block\n";
>       }
>       if(in_END) {
>         print "We are finishing up\n";
>       }
>      This module allows determination of the phase the Perl
>      compiler and interpreter are in, one of BEGIN, INIT, END, or
>      CHECK, or "undef"ined if none of the four apply.
>      All of the functions listed here are importable.  The import
>      tag ":in" may be used to name all the functions beginning
>      with "in_".
>      block
>          This will return one of the four strings BEGIN, INIT,
>          END, or CHECK if Perl is current running that phase.  If
>          Perl is not running one of those phases, then this will
>          return "undef".
>      in_BEGIN
>          This will return true of the code is being run in a
>          BEGIN block.
>      in_CHECK
>          This will return true of the code is being run in a
>          CHECK block.
>      in_CODE
>          This will return true if the code is not being run in
>          any of the four phases.
>      in_END
>          This will return true of the code is being run in an END
>          block.
>      in_INIT
>          This will return true of the code is being run in an
>          INIT block.
> --
> James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
> Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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