o              Name: Jay Soffian 
o             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
o          Homepage: http://www.soffian.org/jay/
o  Perfered user-ID: JSOFFIAN
o Short description: See below:

      use Time::RateLimit ':all';
      calibrate();    # takes a second or two to complete
      $rate = 1/10;   # 10 loops / second
      while (1) {
        # ...
      } continue {
        delay();      # ratelimit loop to 10 loops / second

    Time::RateLimit may be used to ratelimit a loop. Start by calling
    calibrate(). This must be done once and determines the resolution of
    nanosleep on your platform. setrate($rate) is then called just before
    entering your loop to set the rate to which you wish to limit your loop.
    Finally, call delay() within your loop to limit your maximum rate.


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