>>>>> On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 21:44:11 -0800 (PST), David Muir Sharnoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  > * That is still not a good idea.  As brian says, metainformation
  > * like that should not encoded in the module name.  Also, it wouldn't
  > * necessarily encode *enough* information, such as whether the author
  > * has some recommendations to use instead of the deprecated one.
  > * 
  > * Why can't the Makefile.PL of a deprecated module simply be changed to
  > * make the right discouragements, along with the documentation (=head1
  > * DEPRECATED, maybe?)?

  > I'm hoping for something that would actually get noticed, but I'm
  > not willing to go so far as to break existing installations.

I actually had to do this once with a module that had a Y2K bug that
nobody wanted to fix. I kept the old name, gave it a higher version
number and added all the sort of discouragement that Jarkko is talking
about. This strategy definitely worked very well. About two or three
years later I deleted it.

The module name was Date::GetDate and you can get it from the backpan.


The funniest feedback I got was from a user who asked me for
permission to use it in a commercial project. It turned out, the email
was from an automated script and so the sender and I had a good laugh.


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