>I am higly compelled upon strict recommendation           
> to write you this very urgent and confidential letter.
>I am Mr Ken kadulan the son of Mr kadulan Mbai
> Edward who was the former special adviser to the  
> recently ousted head of state Sirra Leone, Major John
> Paul Koroma. During the war between the rebel
> forces led by ex-Head of State, Major John Paul
> Koroma, and West African Allied Forces (ECOMOG). My
> country relied heavily on the foreign earnings
> generated from diamond trade. The then Head of State
> personally kept this money; Major John Paul Koroma, as
> the country's banking system had collapsed during the
> war. However as the war progressed, it became apparent
> that the rebels are going to lose the superior and
> better-armed West African Allied Forces (ECOMOG).
> At this point the key officers of the administration
> started making frantic efforts on how to leave Sierra
> Leone, thereby sharing the proceed/money from this
> diamond trade. In view of the fact that that my father
> was one of the key officers of Administration. He
> succeeded in getting the sum of (US$23m)Twenty Three
> Million US Dollars.
> My father made arrangements and sent my brother and I
> with my younger sister to Nigeria where we
> applied for asylum. On arrival in Nigeria,
> because we are political asylum seekers we were not
> permitted to operate a bank account, I deposited the
> money with a security company in Johannesburg, though
> the real content of the consignment was not disclosed
> or declared to them, I told them that it was precious
> metal. I did that based on my father's instruction
> because he wanted to come to Nigera.
> Unfortunately my father died of a heart attack after a
> few months in my country. Automatically, I am now in
> total possession of the money as the next of kin. As a
> political asylum seeker, I am not allowed to operate a
> bank account.
> Since then, I have been looking for a reliable and
> trustworthy person to help us transfer this money into
> a foreign account overseas prior to investment in
> his/her country or as a conduceive country overseas.
> Luckily, I ran into your contact and details and then
> decided to contact you and see if you can be of any
> help to us.
> We intend to share this money (US$23M) as follows:
> (a)20% of the total sum to you if you assist us in
> transferring this money successfully into any of your
> overseas account.(b)80% of the total sum
> will be for my siblings and I, Note that we have
> concluded arrangment for the relase of the afore
> mentioned sum to your bank account within the shortest
> possible time as soon as we concluded talks. As a
> result of this and other higher level of financial
> transaction which I would want to enter with you as
> made possible by the death of my father, I am
> suggesting we schedule a meeting immediately. Please
> endeavour to contact me immediately through my private
> number or E.mail. And be kind to provide us with your
> communication facilities for hitch free and
> confidential link.I await your urgent reply while
> believing you do understand the confidential nature of
> this transaction.
>Best Regards.
>(For the Family)

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