>>>>> "gregor" == gregor  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

gregor> Thanks for taking the time to check it out (and, sorry I didn't get it
gregor> right the first time). I see now where the problem was. The older
gregor> code was using the CVS revision number as the VERSION, so
gregor> the problem was deeper than just 0.009. Versions back to 0.005
gregor> have the same situation.

gregor> Therefore, I've upgraded the Perl Shell to the nicely inflated
gregor> version number of 1.7. Hopefully that will gloss over things
gregor> sufficiently. I did test my system by doing an r /Psh/ under cpan,
gregor> and it was satisfied that I am up to date.

gregor> Version 1.7 is on its way to CPAN as we speak. As before, let
gregor> me know if this doesn't make the problem go away for you...

Nope, after installing 1.7, here's the retrograde still being

    cpan> r /Psh/

    Package namespace         installed    latest  in CPAN file
    Psh::Completion               undef      1.38  G/GR/GREGOR/psh-0.009.tar.gz

It wants me to upgrade Psh::Completion from "not installed" to "1.38" by
installing 0.009.tar.gz.  Do you really want me to do that?  I don't
think so. :(

One way to cure the retrograde is to *delete* *all* *old* versions
from the CPAN.  There's always the BackPAN, after all.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
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