
I previously submitted Object::BaseClass for consideration as part of CPAN.
I've spent the better part of this day reading pods for the Class::* modules,
and I believe that my module would probably be better classified here.

I'm still requesting inclusion in CPAN based on the following reasons:

  --I haven't found a module on CPAN (correct me if I missed it)
    that tracks parent<->child relationships (in terms of the
    parent being a container for its children) and does an orderly
    termination of objects as a result automatically
  --While some modules provide auto-accessor capabilities, they
    don't do so in quite the same manner, nor do they combine
    that capability for psuedo properties like state flag registers
  --Most do not provide a psuedo event-handling mechanism, either

A little background on methodology:

This module is meant to be subclassed.  A custom object would provide one
mandatory method which is called by the constructor.  This method defines the
object's properties and flags, which consists of (optional) event handlers
for each flag, and read, write, or unified property accessors.  A generic
accessor is provided and can work in any of the mentioned modes.  All custom
handlers and accessors would account for the rest of the derived class.

Both flags and properties are exposed directly in the interface as virtual
methods, with a standard interface.  Flags and properties are handled
differently internally, but internal methods do all conform to a standard
method of invocation for each type.

Events are triggered by manipulation of the state flag registers.

So here's where you can tell me to go away, if need be.  I believe that this
peculiar mix of functionality would be somewhat tedious to reproduce from the
existing modules, and hence, could be made available as a CPAN module.

If you guys don't think I'm barking up the wrong tree, I would suggest that a
better name would be Class::Hybrid or Class::Generic.  I would be happy to
hear any suggestions you have as well.

        --Arthur Corliss
          Bolverk's Lair --
          Digital Mages --
          "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto

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