On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, _brian_d_foy wrote:

> maybe some example code would be good.  also remember that you did not
> know about these other modules until several hours ago, so you might
> want to think about it for a bit before you dismiss them. :)

Understood, and at this point I've installed the majority of these modules and
gone over examples and pods.  My impression so far is that there's already a
great deal of redundancy on CPAN, with the only real differences being
syntactical style and method of implementation.  I can understand your
reticence from that perspective.

Even so, I think what I've got here is easy to use and useful, but, then, it
fits my style of coding.  The only question is whether *you* guys think it
offers enough benefits to gain a place in CPAN.

> those names don't tell me much about what the module does though.
> Hybrid what?

Well, that's part of my problem.  It's a hybrid module in the sense that it
combines a couple of concepts, from containers to accessors, to events.  It's
certainly not as discrete as many of the existing modules.  A more descriptive
(and yet short) name I can't really think of at the moment.

        --Arthur Corliss
          Bolverk's Lair -- http://arthur.corlissfamily.org/
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          "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto

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