The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Games::Backgammon
  DSLIP:       aupOp
  description: Modelling backgammon games
  userid:      BIGJ (Janek Schleicher)
  chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)



    This module will help to model backgammon games. Thus it will
    enable to find legal moves (and move also) in a position, to have
    the standard statistics, to convert different backgammon file
    formats, to read (and write) bearoff databases, to interact with
    gnubg, ... . All together it's just a convinient way to work in Perl
    with backgammon analysis.

    There is no other module in CPAN concerning the backgammon game and
    from its function the namespace choice should be clear.

    Two years ago, Tassilo v. Parseval, had already tried to get this
    namespace. I contacted him, he neither had the time to finish the
    module, neither got he the Games::Backgammon namespace. I'll munge
    his code parts with my ones together.

  enteredby:   BIGJ (Janek Schleicher)
  enteredon:   Thu Feb  6 06:01:02 2003 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Backgammon      aupOp Modelling backgammon games                   BIGJ

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